
In today's world, Didouyu has become a topic of constant interest and debate. With the advancement of technology and social networks, Didouyu has taken on a relevant role in our society. Whether Didouyu is a person, a historical event, a natural phenomenon, or a scientific discovery, his impact has been felt in all areas of life. In this article, we will further explore the importance of Didouyu and analyze how it has shaped our world in different ways. In addition, we will examine the different perspectives and opinions that exist around Didouyu, and we will analyze its influence on our present and future. Read on to discover more about this exciting topic!

The Didouyu (地豆于) or Didougan (地豆干) was a tribe during the 5th-century in west Manchuria. Their territory included the Tujue (Eastern Turk, on their west), the Rouran, and the Khitan (on their southeast). They were attacked by both Goguryeo and Rouran in 479, allied for this operation. In fear, a big part of Kithan fled southward to submit to Northern Wei. Didouyu were one of the northern branches of the Xianbei.


  1. ^ History of the Northern Dynasties. 地豆干国,在室韦西千余里。
  2. ^ 太和三年, <高句麗> 竊與<  >謀, 欲取<地豆于>以分之, Book of Wei.
  3. ^ Xu Elina-Qian, p.264 + 296a
  4. ^ Чимитдоржиева Г. Н. (2012). Исторические связи бурятского и эвенкийского языков (на примере лексики). IMBT. p. 14. ISBN 978-5-7925-0362-5.
