ISO 18245

In today's world, ISO 18245 is a topic that has become increasingly relevant and interesting in different areas. Both in the political, social, and economic spheres, as well as in people's daily lives, ISO 18245 has captured the attention of millions of individuals around the world. The importance of ISO 18245 is reflected in the diversity of opinion and approaches that exist around this topic, as well as in the constant evolution and change it experiences over time. This is why it is crucial to deepen the understanding of ISO 18245, analyzing its implications and discussing its different facets. In this article, we will delve into the world of ISO 18245, exploring its different dimensions and addressing the debates surrounding this topic that is so relevant today.

ISO 18245 is an ISO standard concerning the assignment of Merchant Category Codes (MCC) in retail financial services.

These are used to control usage of corporate credit cards. MCCs are assigned by merchant type (e.g. one for hotels, one for office supply stores, etc.), with each merchant being assigned an MCC by the bank. Corporations can then control which MCCs their employees may use their corporate cards at, and this is enforced through the authorization system.

They are 4 digits in length. For example, MCC 5967 represents 'Inbound telemarketing merchants'.

New MCCs can be applied for through TC68. They are generally reserved for merchant categories having at least $10 million annual revenue.

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