Liberal autocracy

In this article, we are going to explore and analyze in detail Liberal autocracy, a topic that has generated great interest and debate in different areas. From its origins to its relevance today, we will review its impact on society, its possible repercussions at a global level and the different perspectives that exist around it. Liberal autocracy has captured the attention of specialists, academics, professionals and also the general public, generating a wide variety of opinions and points of view. Throughout the next few lines, we will investigate its most relevant aspects, exploring its influence in different areas and examining its evolution over time. Join us on this tour to discover everything you need to know about Liberal autocracy!

A liberal autocracy is a non-democratic government that follows the principles of liberalism. Until the 20th century, most countries in Western Europe were "liberal autocracies, or at best, semi-democracies". One example of a "classic liberal autocracy" was the Austro-Hungarian Empire. According to Fareed Zakaria, a more recent example is Hong Kong until 1 July 1997, which was ruled by the British Crown. He says that until 1991 "it had never held a meaningful election, but its government epitomized constitutional liberalism, protecting its citizens' basic rights and administering a fair court system and bureaucracy".

The existence of real liberties in many of these autocracies is very questionable. For instance, 19th century autocracies often abolished feudal institutions like serfdom, guilds, privileges for the nobility and inequality before the law, but freedom of speech and freedom of association were at best limited. As such, liberal autocracy often preceded various forms of electoral democracy in the evolution of these nations, being much more open than feudal monarchies, but less free than modern liberal democracies. Hong Kong is arguably a special case, where during the latter stages of British colonial rule there was considerable freedom of speech and freedom of association, but also the common knowledge that China would not allow an independent state with free elections. It was also suggested that since 2005 Egypt has been leaning towards liberal autocracy.


  1. ^ Plattner, Marc F. (1998). "Liberalism and Democracy: Can't Have One without the Other". Foreign Affairs. 77 (2). Council on Foreign Relations: 171–180. ISSN 0015-7120. JSTOR 20048858. Retrieved 2023-06-03.
  2. ^ Zakaria, Fareed (November/December 1997). "The Rise of Illiberal Democracy". Foreign Affairs. Archived 15 October 2005 at the Wayback Machine
  3. ^ Myers, Sondra (2002). The Democracy Reader. IDEA. p. 174. ISBN 978-0-9702130-3-7.
  4. ^ Zakaria, Fareed (1997). "The Rise of Illiberal Democracy". Foreign Affairs. 76 (6). Council on Foreign Relations: 22–43. ISSN 0015-7120. JSTOR 20048274. Retrieved 2023-06-03.
  5. ^ "Liberal Autocracy in Egypt". Brookings Institution. 24 June 2008. Archived 1 February 2011 at the Wayback Machine

See also