List of English words of Zulu origin

In this article we are going to analyze List of English words of Zulu origin from different perspectives, with the aim of understanding its importance in today's society. List of English words of Zulu origin has captured the attention of experts and scholars due to its relevance in various fields, from economics to popular culture. Over the years, List of English words of Zulu origin has been the subject of debate and analysis by academics, activists, and even political leaders. In this sense, it is essential to explore the different facets of List of English words of Zulu origin to understand its impact on our environment, as well as the implications it has for the future.

This is a list of words of Zulu origin attested in use by speakers of South African English.

(from abathakathi, a word also used in Xhosa; cf. synonymous umtagati, a borrowing into South African English from other Nguni languages) witches, warlocks, or other practitioners of magic for evil purposes
(from hhayi khona "not here") no; certainly not; not at all
(from baba "father," a respectful form of address toward an older man) sir, mister
(from the phrase fana ga lo "like this") a Zulu-based pidgin spoken primarily by South African miners
(from amadumbe "taro tubers") taro tuber
a teacher, priest, or missionary

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2010.
  2. ^ "umfundisi". Oxford living dictionaries. Archived from the original on 13 June 2018.