Public holidays in French Guiana

The topic of Public holidays in French Guiana is of great relevance today and has generated a wide debate in various sectors of society. In order to analyze its impact and delve into its implications, it is essential to address aspects such as its origin, evolution and consequences at a global level. In this article, Public holidays in French Guiana will be addressed in a detailed and objective manner, in order to provide a broad and complete overview of this very relevant topic. Through an exhaustive analysis and review of different sources of information, the aim is to offer a critical and well-founded vision that allows the reader to fully understand the importance and complexities associated with Public holidays in French Guiana.

This is a list of public holidays in French Guiana.

Date Name in English Name in French Remarks
January 1 New Year's Day Jour de l'An
movable holiday Easter Monday Lundi de Pâques
May 1 Labour Day Fête du Travail
May 8 Victory Day Fête de la Victoire 1945
movable holiday Ascension Day Ascension
movable holiday Whit Monday Lundi de Pentecôte
June 10 Emancipation Day Abolition de l'Esclavage
July 14 National Day Fête Nationale
August 15 Assumption Day Assomption
October 15 Cayenne Festival Festival Cayenne Observed in Cayenne only.
November 1 All Saints' Day Toussaint
November 11 Armistice Day Armistice de 1918
December 25 Christmas Day Noël

Below are jour chômé d'usage holidays.

Date Name in English Name in French Remarks
Movable holidays Carnival Carnaval Often take 3 days, the final day lies on Ash Wednesday
movable holiday Mid-Lent Mi-Carême
movable holiday Good Friday Often observed by banking sector


  1. ^ "Guiana : public and bank holidays, closure of banks, stock exchanges, school vacations". Retrieved 13 January 2022.