Štip-Kočani dialect

In today's world, Štip-Kočani dialect has become a relevant topic of interest in different areas. From science to culture, Štip-Kočani dialect has significantly impacted society, generating debates, research and deep reflections. With a global reach, Štip-Kočani dialect has captured the attention of experts and the general public, becoming a crucial point of discussion and analysis in the academic, social, political and economic spheres. In this article, we will explore various perspectives on Štip-Kočani dialect, addressing its meaning, implications and consequences in different contexts.

The Štip-Kočani dialect on the map of the Macedonian dialects

The Štip-Kočani (Macedonian: Штипско - Кочански дијалект, Štipsko - Kočanski dijalekt) is a dialect of Macedonian. It is a member of the eastern group of the Macedonian dialects. This dialect is spoken in the central eastern part of Macedonia, respectively in Štip, Probištip, Kočani, Vinica, Radoviš and in the surrounding areas.


  • Use of the preposition у (во град > у градо)
  • Use of the word "speak"
Eastern speech Standard Macedonian English
Zboram Zboruvam/Govoram speak
  • the word "tomatoes"
Eastern speech Standard Macedonian English
patlidžan domat tomatoes
  • use of the word "stairs"
Eastern speech Standard Macedonian English
merdeveni/stepenici skali stairs

Personal Pronouns


  • Ја (I)
  • Ти (You)
  • Он (He)
  • Она (She)
  • Оноа (Оно) (It)


  • Ние (We)
  • Вие (You)
  • Они (Тиа) (They)
