Reka dialect

Today, Reka dialect continues to be a topic of great interest and relevance in today's society. Whether due to its impact on people's daily lives, its influence on popular culture or its importance in academia and science, Reka dialect continues to be the subject of constant analysis and debate. In this article, we will explore different aspects related to Reka dialect, from its history and evolution to its current state and possible future developments. Through this analysis, we hope to shed light on the importance and relevance of Reka dialect today and its impact on different aspects of society.

The Reka dialect (brown color) on the map of Macedonian dialects.

The Reka dialect (Macedonian: Рекански дијалект, Rekanski dijalekt) is a member of the west and north-west subgroup of the western group of dialects of Macedonian. The dialect is mainly spoken on the territory of the region Reka in the north-western part of North Macedonia. The Reka dialect is very close with the Galičnik and the Debar dialects. This dialect contains a lot of archaic words.

Phonological characteristics

  • High frequency of the consonant f (ф)
  • Low frequency of the consonant (џ), replacing it with ž (ж) or žd (жд)
  • Use of o instead of a

Morphological characteristics

  • The end of the verbs from the a group are frequently pronounced as verbs from the e group (играат > играет)
  • Use of the three articles
  • Use of the suffix for the third person singular
  • Use of the preposition во/в
