Beer knot

In the following article we are going to delve into the topic of Beer knot, a topic that has captured the attention of many people in recent years. Beer knot has generated great interest due to its importance in different areas of life, whether in the work world, in the personal sphere or in the social context. This is why it is essential to delve into a detailed analysis of Beer knot, with the aim of understanding its impact, its implications and the possible solutions and benefits it can provide. Throughout this article, we will explore different perspectives and relevant studies that will help us delve deeper into the meaning and relevance of Beer knot today.

Beer knot
RelatedWater knot
Typical useMaking slings with tubular webbing
CaveatDifficult to visually assess the length of the free end inside webbing

A beer knot is a bend used to join tubular webbing. Its most common application is in constructing slings used in rock climbing. Compared with the water knot, it has the advantages of a higher strength, smaller profile, and a cleaner appearance due to the lack of free-hanging tails. However, the beer knot can be more difficult to tie than the water knot, and one of the tails is hidden from view, making safety checks for adequate tail length more difficult.

Testing by PMI in 1995 showed that the beer knot preserves about 80% of the strength of the webbing.

The beer knot was introduced to the National Speleological Society in the 1980s by Peter Ludwig, from Austria.

See also


  1. ^ a b c Smith, Bruce; Padgett, Allen (1997). On Rope. National Speleological Society; 2nd edition. p. 51.

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