List of mathematical knots and links

In today's article, we are going to analyze List of mathematical knots and links from different perspectives to understand its importance and relevance in various contexts. List of mathematical knots and links is a topic that generates extensive debate and arouses great interest in today's society. Throughout history, List of mathematical knots and links has played a key role in the development of humanity and has been the subject of study in different disciplines. Through this article, we will explore the different aspects of List of mathematical knots and links, examining its social, economic, cultural and personal implications. Additionally, we will examine how List of mathematical knots and links has evolved over time and how it continues to impact our lives today. Without a doubt, List of mathematical knots and links is a topic that deserves to be analyzed carefully to understand its true scope and meaning.

A table of all prime knots with seven crossings or fewer (not including mirror images).

This article contains a list of mathematical knots and links. See also list of knots, list of geometric topology topics.


Prime knots

  • 01 knot/Unknot - a simple un-knotted closed loop
  • 31 knot/Trefoil knot - (2,3)-torus knot, the two loose ends of a common overhand knot joined together
  • 41 knot/Figure-eight knot (mathematics) - a prime knot with a crossing number four
  • 51 knot/Cinquefoil knot, (5,2)-torus knot, Solomon's seal knot, pentafoil knot - a prime knot with crossing number five which can be arranged as a {5/2} star polygon (pentagram)
  • 52 knot/Three-twist knot - the twist knot with three-half twists
  • 61 knot/Stevedore knot (mathematics) - a prime knot with crossing number six, it can also be described as a twist knot with four twists
  • 62 knot - a prime knot with crossing number six
  • 63 knot - a prime knot with crossing number six
  • 71 knot, septafoil knot, (7,2)-torus knot - a prime knot with crossing number seven, which can be arranged as a {7/2} star polygon (heptagram)
  • 74 knot, "endless knot"
  • 818 knot, "carrick mat"
  • 10161/10162, known as the Perko pair; this was a single knot listed twice in Dale Rolfsen's knot table; the duplication was discovered by Kenneth Perko
  • 12n242/(−2,3,7) pretzel knot
  • (p, q)-torus knot - a special kind of knot that lies on the surface of an unknotted torus in R3



  • 02
    link/Unlink - equivalent under ambient isotopy to finitely many disjoint circles in the plane
  • 22
    link/Hopf link - the simplest nontrivial link with more than one component; it consists of two circles linked together exactly once (L2a1)
  • 42
    link/Solomon's knot (a two component "link" rather than a one component "knot") - a traditional decorative motif used since ancient times (L4a1)
  • 52
    link/Whitehead link - two projections of the unknot: one circular loop and one figure eight-shaped loop intertwined such that they are inseparable and neither loses its form (L5a1)
  • Brunnian link - a nontrivial link that becomes trivial if any component is removed
  • 63
    link/Borromean rings - three topological circles which are linked and form a Brunnian link (L6a4)
  • L10a140 link - presumably the simplest non-Borromean Brunnian link
  • Pretzel link - a Montesinos link with integer tangles

External links