Simple Simon under

In today's world, Simple Simon under has become a relevant topic of great interest to a wide audience. Whether we are talking about Simple Simon under in the context of politics, science, culture or any other field, its importance and impact are undeniable. In this article we will explore the different facets of Simple Simon under, its evolution over time, as well as its impact on today's society. From its origins to the present, Simple Simon under has played a crucial role in shaping the world we live in, and it is crucial to understand its reach and significance today.

Simple Simon Under
OriginHarry Asher, published in 1989
Relatedsimple Simon over bend, simple Simon symmetric bend, simple Simon double bend
Typical usesuitable for dissimilar ropes, works well with synthetic ropes.

The simple Simon under bend is a knot belonging to the category bend. It was invented by Harry Asher. It is more secure than the similar Simple Simon over and more effective with quite large differences in thickness of the two ropes.

The simple Simon under holds well even with different sized ropes, or slippery synthetic ropes.

Comparison of Sheet bend, Simple Simon over and Simple Simon under


Tie as shown in the images. Note, that , as in the sheet bend, the two running ends should emerge on the same side of the knot.

See also


  1. ^ Harry Asher, Alternative Knot Book, Sheridan House (August 1989).
  2. ^ Geoffrey Budworth, The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Knots & Ropework (Anness Publishing Ltd., 1999, 2007), 73.
  3. ^ Asher, Harry. (1989). The alternative knot book. Sheridan House. ISBN 0911378-95-2.
  4. ^ Asher, Harry. (1989). The alternative knot book. Sheridan House. ISBN 0911378-95-2.
  5. ^ Asher, Harry. (1989). The alternative knot book. Nautical. ISBN 0713659505. OCLC 19774858.