Beisan Subdistrict, Mandatory Palestine

In today's article, we are going to explore the topic of Beisan Subdistrict, Mandatory Palestine in depth. From its origins to its relevance today, we will dive into every key aspect related to Beisan Subdistrict, Mandatory Palestine. We will analyze its impact on society, culture and the economy, as well as its role in the lives of people in different parts of the world. Through this detailed exploration, we hope to shed light on the lesser-known aspects of Beisan Subdistrict, Mandatory Palestine and provide a comprehensive view of its importance in today's world.

Subdistricts grouped by districts in 1945. Galilee District with Beisan Subdistrict in green.

The Beisan Subdistrict (Arabic: قضاء بيسان; Hebrew: נפת ביסאן) was one of the subdistricts of Mandatory Palestine. It was located around the city of Baysan. After the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the subdistrict disintegrated; most of it became part of Israel, and has been merged with the neighboring Nazareth Subdistrict to from the modern-day Jezre'el County.[citation needed] The southernmost parts, however, fell within the modern-day West Bank - because of that, they were first occupied and unilaterally annexed by Jordan, and were later occupied by Israel following the Six-day War.

Depopulated towns and villages

Official population statistics for the sub-district, from Village Statistics, 1945.
