Han opera

Han opera's article will explore in a detailed and informative manner about.... This topic is of great relevance today and its impact can be felt in different aspects of daily life. Throughout the article, different perspectives and opinions of experts in the field will be analyzed, with the aim of providing the reader with a comprehensive and updated vision on this topic. Likewise, case studies and concrete examples will be examined that will illustrate the importance and scope of Han opera in today's society. This article aims to offer a deep and complete vision about Han opera, with the purpose of informing and generating reflection in the reader.

Han opera (simplified Chinese: 汉剧; traditional Chinese: 漢劇) is a form of Chinese opera, previously known as "Chu tone" (楚调) or "Han tone" (汉调). It arose in the middle Qing dynasty period in Hubei, and later spread to Hunan, Shaanxi, and part of Sichuan. The music of Han opera incorporates the Xipi (西皮) and Erhuang (二黄) styles. There are ten roles in Han opera: Mo (末), Jing, Sheng, Dan, Chou, Wai (外), Xiao (小), Tie (贴), Fu (夫), and Za (杂).


  • chinaculture.org. "Han Opera". Hubei provincial government.