Outline of industry

In the broad spectrum of Outline of industry, we find endless perspectives, approaches and interpretations that invite us to immerse ourselves in its richness and complexity. Throughout history, Outline of industry has played a fundamental role in people's lives, influencing the way we relate, think and create. From its origins to its impact on today's society, Outline of industry has been the object of study, admiration and debate, generating endless reflections and arguments that seek to understand and value its importance. In this article, we will explore different facets of Outline of industry, exploring its meaning, evolution and relevance in our world today.

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to industry:

Industry, in economics and economic geography, refers to the production of an economic good or service within an economy.

Essence of industry

In some cases, industries can be harmful, such as those where harmful waste chemicals are dumped in bodies of water, or even those where pesticides and similar inadvertently leak into water sources.

Industry sectors

Major industries




History of industry

General industrial concepts

Industrial output

See also


  1. ^ "Industry | Define Industry at Dictionary.com". Dictionary.reference.com. Retrieved 2014-02-01.

External links