Onion skinning

In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Onion skinning. We will explore its origins, its evolution over time and its impact on different aspects of daily life. Onion skinning has been the subject of study and debate for many years, and its relevance is still evident in today's world. Through this article, we aim to shed light on Onion skinning, analyzing its importance and influence in today's society. Join us on this journey to discover more about Onion skinning and its role in the contemporary world.

Onion skin of frame 7 of this image showing previous 3 frames

In 2D computer graphics, onion skinning is a technique used in creating animated cartoons and editing movies to see several frames at once. This way, the animator or editor can make decisions on how to create or change an image based on the previous image in the sequence.

In traditional animation, the individual frames of a movie were initially drawn on thin onionskin paper over a light source. The animators (mostly inbetweeners) would put the previous and next drawings exactly beneath the working drawing, so that they could draw the 'in between' to give a smooth motion.

In computer software, this effect is achieved by making frames translucent and projecting them on top of each other.

This effect can also be used to create motion blurs, as seen in The Matrix when characters dodge bullets.

See also

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