Mac OS Gaelic

Nowadays, Mac OS Gaelic is a topic that has captured the attention of a large number of people around the world. With its relevance in today's society, Mac OS Gaelic has become a point of interest for those seeking to better understand its impact on everyday life. Whether on a personal, professional, political or cultural level, Mac OS Gaelic has managed to generate a large number of opinions and debates around its importance. In this article, we will explore the various aspects related to Mac OS Gaelic, from its origin to its possible consequences in the future. Through a deep and thoughtful analysis, we will try to shed light on this topic that is so complex and relevant today.

Mac OS Gaelic
Created byEvertype
Current statusAdopted by Apple
ClassificationExtended ASCII
Based onMac OS Celtic

Mac OS Gaelic is a character encoding created for the Irish Gaelic language, based on the Welsh Mac OS Celtic encoding but replacing 23 characters with Gaelic characters. It was developed by Michael Everson, and was in his CeltScript fonts and on some fonts included with the Irish localization of Mac OS 6.0.8 and 7.1 and on.

Like ISO 8859-14, this codepage represents the Irish Gaelic and Welsh languages.


Mac OS Gaelic
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
2x  SP  ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
3x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
4x @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
5x P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
6x ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
7x p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
8x Ä Å Ç É Ñ Ö Ü á à â ä ã å ç é è
9x ê ë í ì î ï ñ ó ò ô ö õ ú ù û ü
Ax ° ¢ £ § ß ® © ´ ¨ Æ Ø
Bx ± Ċ ċ Ġ ġ æ ø
Cx ɼ ƒ ſ « » NBSP À Ã Õ Œ œ
Dx ÿ Ÿ ¤ Ŷ ŷ
Ex · Â Ê Á Ë È Í Î Ï Ì Ó Ô
Fx Ò Ú Û Ù ı Ý ý Ŵ ŵ
  Differences from Mac OS Celtic
  • ^⁊ Before Mac OS 8.5, 0x26 mapped to both & (ampersand) and ⁊ (Tironian et, Unicode character U+20A4), which were unified.
  • Before Mac OS 8.5, the character 0xDB mapped to currency sign (¤), Unicode character U+00A4.
  • ^‰ Before Mac OS 8.5, the character 0xE4 mapped to , Unicode character U+2030.
  • ^♣ Before Unicode 4.1, the character 0xF0 mapped to Unicode character U+2663.


  1. ^ Everson, Michael. "Encoding Celtic fonts". Evertype.
  2. ^ Apple, Inc. (2005-04-01). "GAELIC.TXT: Map (external version) from Mac OS Gaelic character set to Unicode 3.0 and later". Unicode, Inc.
  3. ^ Everson, Michael (2001-11-10). "GAELIC.TXT: Mac OS Gaelic to Unicode table". Evertype.