Zibusi language

In today's article we are going to analyze Zibusi language in depth to understand its importance today. Zibusi language is a topic/date/person that has generated great interest in different areas, and it is crucial to understand its impact on today's society. Throughout this article, we will explore its historical relevance, its influence on contemporary culture, and the implications it has for the future. Additionally, we will examine different perspectives and opinions on Zibusi language, with the aim of providing a comprehensive and enriching view on this topic/topic/person. At the end of reading, we hope that readers gain a deeper and richer understanding of Zibusi language, and are able to establish meaningful connections with their environment and everyday life.

Native toChina
Language codes
ISO 639-3None (mis)

Zibusi (zɨ21 pu55 sɨ55; Chinese: 子逋斯话; Daqing Yi 大箐彝) is a recently discovered Loloish language of Heqing County, Yunnan, China. They are known by the Kua-nsi as zɨ21 pɯ55 sɨ55. The Zibusi are found in Shangshiyan 上石岩, Daqing Village 大箐村, Duomei Township 朵美乡, Heqing County (Castro, et al. 2010); the sɨ21 pʰɨ̪21 sɨ55 are located in Jidiping 吉地坪, Moguang Village 磨光村, Jindun Township 金墩乡.
