
In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of Haliva. From its origins to its relevance today, we will dive into the most important aspects of Haliva. We will analyze its impact on society, its evolution over time and possible future implications. Through a detailed and critical look, we will try to unravel the mysteries that surround Haliva, offering the reader a complete and enriching perspective on this topic.

CourseMain course
Place of originCircassia
Serving temperatureHot
Main ingredientsBeef, leek, cheese or potato

Haleva or haliva (Adyghe: хьэлжъо [ħalʐʷa]) is a fried dough turnover filled with either potatoes or Circassian cheese.


  • Haliva stuffed with cottage cheese (Helive q'wey lhalhe delhu)
  • Haliva stuffed with potato (Helive ch'ert'of delhu)
  • Haliva stuffed with potato and cheese (Helive ch'ert'ofre q'weyre delhu)
  • Haliva stuffed with haricot beans (Heliva jesh delhu)
  • Haliva stuffed with pears (Helive q'wzch delhu)

See also

Haliva and mataz, two traditional Adyghe snacks