
This article will address Help:IPA/Khmer, a topic of great relevance and interest today. Help:IPA/Khmer is an issue that has generated debate and controversy in different areas, awakening the interest of experts, academics and the general public. Over the years, Help:IPA/Khmer has gained increasing importance due to its impact on society and people's daily lives. In this context, it is pertinent to analyze Help:IPA/Khmer in detail, exploring its different facets, implications and possible solutions. Likewise, we will seek to offer an objective and enriching perspective on Help:IPA/Khmer, in order to promote a constructive dialogue and foster greater understanding of this topic.

The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Khmer language pronunciations in Wikipedia articles. For a guide to adding IPA characters to Wikipedia articles, see Template:IPA and Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Pronunciation § Entering IPA characters.


Full Subscript Initial Value Final Value Series
្ក k k, ʔ 1
្ខ k 1
្គ k k, ʔ 2
្ឃ k 2
្ង ŋ ŋ 2
្ច c c 1
្ឆ none 1
្ជ c c 2
្ឈ none 2
្ញ ɲ ɲ 2
្ដ ɗ 1
្ឋ t̪ʰ 1
្ឌ ɗ 2
្ឍ t̪ʰ 2
្ណ 1
្ត , ɗ 1
្ថ t̪ʰ 1
្ទ 2
្ធ t̪ʰ 2
្ន 2
្ប ɓ, p p 1
្ផ p 1
្ព p p 2
្ភ p 2
្ម m m 2
្យ j j 2
្រ r - , r 2
្ល 2
្វ ʋ /ʋ/, /w/ 2
្ស s h 1
្ហ h none 1
- none 1
្អ ʔ none 1

Dependent Vowels

Vowel 1st Series Value 2nd Series Value
ɑː ɔː
អា , eə
អិ , e, ə , i, ɪ, ɨ
អី ej
អឹ ɜ, ə ɨ, ə
អឺ əː ɨː
អុ , o u
អូវ əw, ɜw ɨw
អើ əː
អឿ ɨə
អេ , e, ə , ɪ, ɨ
អែ ae ɛː, eː
អៃ aj ɪj, ɨj
អោ ao
អៅ aw əw, ɨw
អុំ om um
អំ ɑm um
អាំ am ɑm, oə̯m
អះ ah eah
អិះ eh ih
អឹះ əh eus
អឺះ əːh ers
អើះ aəh eurz
អែះ aeh aes
អុះ oh uh
អេះ eh ih, eh
អោះ ɑh uəh, ɔh

Independent Vowels

Vowel IPA
ʔeʔ, ʔe, ʔej
ʔuʔ, ʔo
ʔok (obsolete)
rɨʔ, rə
lɨʔ, lə
, ʔao


  1. ^ The stops /p, t, c, k/ have no audible release when occurring as syllable finals, as in Cantonese
  2. ^ a b Khmer consonants belong to two classes that dictate the value of dependent vowels.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h Can be changed to 1st series by stacking a above the subscript form. See here for further details.
  4. ^ a b c d e never occurs at the end of words
  5. ^ is used by orthographic convention to represent ɗ in disyllabic words whose underlying form is spelled with or as opposed to derivatives of bases spelled with , which keep the original for ɗ.
  6. ^ in certain words of Pali or Sanskrit origin
  7. ^ final is silent (not transcribed) in central dialects of Cambodia and Vietnam, represents a trill in Northern Khmer dialects of Thailand
  8. ^ a b before palatals

See also